MIMULUS Monkey Flower



The Monkey Flower, so-called because of an alleged resemblance of the open bloom to the face of a grinning monkey, is a short-lived perennial which is usually grown as a half hardy annual. The plants are low growing and have a special place in the garden – they flourish in damp soil and shady sites where few other annuals can thrive. Use Mimulus for summer bedding in sunless places and in window boxes on the nother –facing side of the house.


VARIETIES : The varieties of M. cupreus bear trumpet –shaped flowers in orange or red – ‘Red Emperor’ (flame – scarlet ) is a popular type. M.luteus is more colourful, with yellow flowers which are marked with red or purple blotches. The varieties and hybrids of M. variegates are rather similar but are larger – up to in. across. You will find ‘Queen’s Prize’ and ‘Royal Velvet’ in the catalogues.

SITE & SOIL : A moist soil which is not ’allowed to dry out is essential – some shade is desirable.


PLANT DETAILS : Height 9 in. Spacing 9 in. Flowering period June- September.


PROPAGATION :  Plant out when the danger of frost is past. 

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