Lobelia shares the top spot with Alyssum as Britain’s favourite edging plant, yet it is more demanding then many less-well-known annuals. To provide an impressive and long –lasting show of flowers it needs humus-enriched soil, occasional feeding and a thorough soaking when the weather is dry. To induce bushiness pinch out the tops when the seedlings are 1 in. high, and transplant as small groups rather then singly .


VARIETIES : You will see the Edging Lobeia ( L.erinus ) every where, and the ever-popular deep blue one with a white eye is ‘Mrs Clibran Improved’. Try a different colour for a change – ‘Rosamund’ (red), ‘White Gem’ ( white)  Cambridge Blue’ ( light blue ) or ‘String of Pearls’ ( mixed ) . In hanging baskets grow the Trailing Lobelia ( L.erinus pendula )‘Sapphire’ ( deep blue ) is a good choice and so is ‘Cascade Mixed’.


SITE & SOIL :  Any reasonable garden soil will do, but rich and moist land is preferred. Thrives in sun or light shade.


PLANT DETAILS: Height 4 – 8 in. Spacing 6 in. Flowering period June – September.


PROPGATION : Plant out when the danger of frost is past. 

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