IPOMOEA (Morning Glory)

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Ipomoea is one of our loveliest garden climbers. The wiry stems twine around upright supports – the heart-shaped leaves and large trumpet-like flowers are often seen adorning trellises and pergolas in summer. But the foliage is not plentiful and so Morning Glory dose not make an effective screen for hiding an unsightly view. The flowers last for merely a day but they are borne in quick succession.


VARIETIES: I.tricolor ( I.rubro-caerulea )  bears the largest flowers. This vine will grow 8 ft or more and the blooms are 3 – 5 in. across ‘Heavenly Blue “ is a popular variety – “ Flying Saucers “ is a blue and white striped hybrid . I.Purpurea ( Convovulus major ) may exceed 10 ft – “ Scarlett O’ Hara ‘ is a red hybrid.  


SITE & SOIL : Any well – drained garden soil will do, but the site chosen must be sunny and sheltered.


PLANT DETAILS : Height 6 – 12 ft. Spacing 1½ft. Flowering period July – September .