crochet Soft slippers

Soft slippers

By Kathleen stuart


Skill level: EASY

Fit up to 11-inch sole



yarn (6 oz/140 yds/170g per skein):  1 skein #9724 pink lemonade

1 ball #103 bubblegum


Size N hook: 9 sc = 4 inches; 9 sc rows = 4 inches


Pattern notes

If you need a Slipper smaller than the given size, just crochet a few less chains for either the ankle opening or the instep.

If you need a Slipper larger than the given size, just crochet a few more chains for either the ankle opening or the instep.




Row 1: With size N hook and pink, ch 25 (ankle opening), sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 15 (instep), sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 13 chs across instep and 25 chs around ankle, working on opposite side of instep ch, sc in each ch across, turn. (53 sc)

Rows 2-12: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.

Row 13: Fold piece in half lengthwise, working through both thicknesses, ch 1, sl st in each st across. Fasten off.



Rnd 1: Turn Slipper to WS, working in end of rows, join with sc in end of any row, [sc dec in end of next 2 rows] around opening, ending with last sc dec in last row and first row worked in, do not join. (13 sc)

Rnd 2: [Sc dec in next 2 sts] around, ending last sc dec in last st and first st worked in. Leaving long end, fasten off. Weave end through top of sts on last rnd. Pull to close Secure end. Turn Slipper RS out




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