Crochet dragonfly

Crochet dragonfly



Tension: 5 sts over 6 rows=2.5 cm (1 in)

Finished diminsions : 11.5 cm (4 1/2 in ) wide,14 cm (5 1/2 in ) long




Wings :

With A,ch 11,turn.

R1 : start 2nd ch from hook ,10 dc ,turn

R2 : ch1 ,dc in next 9 sts ,2 dc in next 2 sts ,9 dc -22 dc .

Break yarn and weave in ends. Make three more wings


Body :

With B,make 6 dc in a magic ring ,sl st to join .

Ch 1 , dc in next 6 sts, sl st for 7.5 cm (3 in ) and stuff with the same black yarn as you crochet.


Rnd 1: ch 1 ,(2 dc,2 dc in next st) 2 times ,sl st in first dc to join -8 dc.

Rnd 2: ch 1,dc in next 8 sts,sl st in first dc to join

Rnd 3: ch 1, (dc in next 3 sts ,2 dc in next st) rep once more , sl st -10 dc.

Rnd 4: ch 1,dc in next 10 sts,sl st in first dc to join.

Rnd 5: ch 1,(dc in next 3 sts,dc2tog)rep once more ,sl st -8 dc.

Rnd 6: ch 1,dc in next 8 sts,sl st in first dc to join.

Rnd 7: ch 1, (dc in next 2 sts,dc2tog) 2 times,sl st in first dc to join – 6 dc


Head :

Ch 1 ,(dc in next 6 sts,sl st ) for 1.25 cm (1/2-in) fasten off and weave in ends.block wings and pinch the flat ends together and sew onto either side of the bulge.


Shadowbox specimen:

Make three dragonflies to place into a shadowbox or picture frame.cut a sheet of corkboard or foamcore to fit inside your frame.cover with a neutral fabric and secure with glue on the back.once it’s dry,insert it into the frame and use dressmaking pins to pin your dragonflies inside.


Dragonfly mobile:

Crochet five dragonflies with different wing colours,and string to dowels for a mobile



Crochet the body following the dragonfly body,but stop after crocheting 7.5cm (3 in).stuff and sew closed.for the wings dc two rows,each 10 cm (4 in)long.make three more wings ,fold in half,and sew to the Centre of the body .make two antennae out of black felt and sew to the head.


Dragonfly hairclip:

Scale the dragonfly down by 50 percent to make it small enough for a to the hairclip,or use a strong adhesive to bond


Dragonfly magnets:

Crochet a set of dragonflies with different-coloured wings,and use them to decorate magnets.use 1.25 cm (1/2 in )round strong magnets and cut a circle of felt to sew over each onto the back of the body.





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