Anchusa is usually grown as a perennial in the herbaceous border, but there is a dwarf annual species which is excellent for bedding or window boxes. The bushy plant bears branching stems which are covered with starry blue flowers in midsummer. The secrets of success are to dead-head regularly, keep well watered and spray against mildew if white spots appear.
VARIETIES: The variety of A. capensis to choose is ‘Blue Angle’. The dark blue, Forget-me-not-like flowers are borne in great profusion. The leaves are narrow and hairy and the plant grows only 9 in. high. Taller varieties are ‘Bedding Blue’ (1 ½ ft, sky blue) and ‘Blue Bird’ (1 ½ ft, indigo blue).
SITE & SOIL: Any well-drained garden soil will do – thrives best in a sunny, open situation.
PLANT DETAILS: Height 9 in. or 1 ½ ft. Spacing 9 in. Flowering period July – August.
PROPAGATION: Sow seeds in September or April where they are to flower. Thin to required spacing.

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